Water Reclamation Plant
The term "wastewater" does not have to be discarded as waste, but can be given a new life after it is treated. IWK is able to produce 5,092 MLD treated bioeffluent (treated wastewater), equivalent to around 2,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, before they are released in a safe form into the water body — truly a waste since it can be reused. There is much potential for the reclamation of non-revenue water and adoption of treated effluent to supplement the use of water by industries and commercial businesses daily. Moreover, water usage is a fundamental product for nearly every step of the manufacturing and production practises around the world, whether it is used for producing, processing, washing, diluting, cooling or transporting a product. With the large amount of bioeffluent that is produced, industries can participate in obtaining the treated bioeffluent for industrial use, easing up reliance on raw water that can be put to better use, i.e. for human consumption. Currently, we are working with local authorities in using effluent for landscaping purposes, while in our Pantai 2 STP, 10% of the treated effluent is reused.

Trade Effluent

IWK is currently embarking on treating Trade Effluent discharged from Food and Beverage (F&B) industry into some of the STPs as part of a pilot project study. With the adoption of biological processes and designed with some flexibility, the STPs operated by IWK have the potential to accept and treat additional loadings from industrial wastewater that are compatible with domestic sewage characteristics. Hence, Food and Beverage (F&B) industry and industry producing biodegradable waste are welcomed to participate in this project. Trade Effluent will bring benefit to the environment by reducing pollution’s point of source and also to the industry by optimizing the investment cost of operation for industrial wastewater treatment plant while focusing on core business expansion.
Engineering Services
IWK is able to provide consultancy services for works related to water and wastewater industry from planning stage (i.e. development and updating of nationwide sewerage catchment strategy, sludge management strategy, sewerage project planning, project management until operational stage (i.e. sewerage asset database) of the sewerage facilities. We welcome for collaboration and joint venture (JV) with universities and consultancy firms in providing the above mentioned services. We also undertake sewerage management and policy development.

Environmental Services

IWK prepares its annual Green House Gases (GHG) carbon reporting, nationwide soil sampling studies, Internal Environmental Auditing and Post EA Monitoring as part of being a responsible sustainable water and environmental service company. Now, we offer similar services for companies who seek for such services and recognition on environmental efforts to reduce carbon footprint and also EIA reports for sewerage.
Identifying and managing safety and health risks during planning and design stage is more effective than making changes later when hazards become risks that are not sustainable and expensive to achieve. Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study provides a potent tool for safety & health risks reduction. IWK has comprehensive solutions in addressing these risks by providing HAZOP Consultancy Services for sewerage and water industry. IWK’s HAZOP study is a procedural tool designed to identify deficiencies, potential hazards, risks and operability issues. The study is conducted in an organised & structured manner, with comprehensive checklists and focused methodology. It is chaired by an experienced chairperson and team members of multi-disciplines. IWK also offers additional special discount and competitive rate for regular customers and early birds.

Fat, Oil, Grease

Fat, oil and grease (FOG) is a by-product of food preparation and cooking such as food waste, cooking oil and baked food, to name a few. FOG is identified as one of the factors that contributes to sewer blockages and water pollution. Improper management of FOG leads to clogged sewer lines, causing the sewage to overflow onto the ground, or into buildings, waterways and rivers.
Our sewer pipelines have been plagued numerous times with improper FOG disposal. When raw FOG enters into the sewer lines, it coats the interior surface of the pipes. Over a period of time, the accumulation of FOG restricts the flow of wastewater through the sewer. Eventually, the FOG will clog the sewer lines and this will cause sewage overflowing. IWK had attended to affected sites numerously to remove the accumulated FOG, as it is the most common problem in blockage of sewer lines and water pollution.
As such, Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd expanded its desludging service to include desludging of FOG trap – as to address the most common problem in blockage of sewer lines and water pollution. The expansion into this sector by the national sewerage company is to minimise the possibilities of illegal discharge and dumping of FOG in order to reduce the source of pollution, following significance improvement in the quality of river during the previous Movement Control Order (MCO).
IWK also provides end-to-end FOG trap desludging service, ensuring that all FOG will be treated according to the environmental standards. This will not only provide industries and commercial premises value for money, but also in playing our part in preserving the environment and moving towards a more sustainable future.
IWK seeks the cooperation of all food & beverage outlets, restaurants, and malls to be responsible in managing the disposal of their FOG. Collected FOG has the potential to be converted into environmentally friendly biodiesel fuel which serves as an alternative fuel produced from renewable resources.
Interested parties can get in touch with our desludging business unit by contacting customer services at each Unit Offices (desludging service). The contact numbers are accessible from the following link: https://www.iwk.com.my/contact/customer-services-centres, or email to care@iwk.com.my.

Service Fee:
The costing varies in terms of the load and location that IWK has to attend to. Service charges will be RM150/m3 and any additional charges will be based on the desludging volume.