In Malaysia, there are two main types of sewerage system, namely the connected system and the other is known as septic tanks. The connected system refers to premises that have their sewerage system connected via sewer pipelines to Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd’s Sewage Treatment Plants (STP). This applies to majority of premises nationwide, while the remaining premises are mostly connected to septic tanks. There are about 1.3 million septic tanks nationwide, and without proper maintenance, the wastewater from septic tanks can contribute to environmental pollution.
As sewerage service is rendered to premises to ensure environmental sustainability and good public health, there is a certain charges required of the users to help sustain the provision of sewerage services efficiently. The Sewerage Services (Authorization of Collection of Charges) Order 1994 together with Sections 86 and 88 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006 empower IWK to claim, collect and retain all applicable rates, charges, fees and levies for sewerage services that have been implemented by IWK.
On top of the traditional sense of wastewater treatment, IWK has also branched out into waste recovery efforts such as the reuse of by-products, namely bio-effluent, bio-solid and bio-gas as well as the development of water reclamation plant. IWK also provide fat, oil and grease trap system desludging services to premises that produce heavy loads of oil waste. More information can be accessed from the subsequent pages.