Tariff charges are in accordance to the Water Services Industry Act 2006: Water Services Industry (Sewerage Services Charges) Regulations 2022 and (Amendment) 2025
Sewerage service charges are determined by the Malaysian Government based on the principles of affordability and equitability to ensure that the collection from the different categories of customers is sufficient for the management of a modern and efficient sewerage system in Malaysia.
This is critical in protecting our water resources and ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for all Malaysians. The improvement and upgrading of all sewage treatment plants throughout the country require substantial funds which are largely derived from tariff charges. Hence, failure of our customers to settle their bill will severely affect our refurbishment and upgrading programme.
The tariff of charges has since been revised, effective 1 October 2022 for desludging services and 1 January 2023 for connected sewerage services. For more information, you can read the Water Services Industry (Sewerage Services Charges) Regulations 2022 here and (Amendment) 2025 here, or the frequently asked questions here.
Customers registered under the eKasih program have the option to notify IWK to receive support in the form of a rebate. This initiative aims to alleviate the financial burden associated with customers’ sewerage charges.

Sewerage Charges
Connected (Domestic)
Connected sewerage service customers have sewage outlets that are directly linked to a sewage treatment plant via an underground network of sewer pipes. Domestic households are charged a minimal rate for sewerage services on a monthly basis. IWK is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all public sewage treatment plants.
Sewerage Charges
Commercial premises refers to any premises used wholly or partly for trade, business, provision of services or any other activity, whether for profit or otherwise. This is another type of premise whereby the charges vary from domestic households and government. Monthly sewerage services charges for commercial premises is a sum of the Basic Charge based on the premises Annual Value and Excess Charge based on average water consumption in excess of 100 meter cube (m3).

Sewerage Charges
Industrial Premises means any premises in which the principal activity carried out involves the making, altering, blending, ornamenting, finishing or otherwise treating or adapting any article or substance with a view to its use, sale, transport, delivery or disposal and includes the assembly of parts and ship repairing but does not include any activity normally associated with retail or wholesale trade. Industrial customers are charged based on the total number of employees.
Declaration Form (PDF format): Click Here
Sewerage Charges
Apart from domestic households, sewerage services are also provided to government quarters. Since August 2004, new sewerage service charges were implemented. Monthly sewerage services charges for government premises is a sum of the fixed basic charge and excess charge. The basic charge depends on the type of sewerage services, while excess charge is based on average water consumption in excess of 100 meter cube (m3).

Desludging Services
All owners, management corporations or occupants of any premises connected to or own a septic tank needs to carry out desludging exercises on a scheduled basis based on the "Water Services Industry Regulations (Sewage Disposal Services) 2021" gazette which has come into effect from 30 March 2021. This scheduled desludging work will be done by Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd. The frequency for scheduled desludging are as follows:
i. septic tanks within the local authority operating areas (PBT), desludging exercises must be carried out once every 24 months (2 years); and
ii. septic tanks that are located outside the boundaries of any local authority desludging exercises must be carried out once every 36 months (3 years).