Category | Monthly Charge(RM) |
Low cost houses and government quarters in categories F, G, H and I | 4.00 |
Houses in Kampung, New Villages and Estates | 5.00 |
Premises and government quarters in categories A, B, C, D, and E | 12.00 |
"Domestic Premises" means any premises built, constructed, adapted or intended to be used exclusively for human habitation.
"Low-cost dwelling house" means any domestic premises classified by the relevant local authority or State Authority as a 'low cost house'.
"Estate dwelling house" means any domestic premises located on land designated by the relevant State Authority for agricultural purposes under sections 52 and 53 of the National Land Code 1965. In that such land on which the said domestic premises is located includes such land used for the purpose or purposes of cultivation of any crop (including trees cultivated for the purpose of their produce), market gardening, the breeding and keeping of honey-bees, livestock and reptiles, and aqua-culture.
"New village dwelling house" means any domestic premises located on land designated by the relevant State authority as a 'new village'.
"Village dwelling house" means any domestic premises situated on land declared to be a village by the relevant State Authority in accordance with section 11 of the National Land Code 1965, or deemed as a duly constituted village by virtue of section 442 of the National Land Code 1965.
"Government Quarters" categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, & I is as defined by the Government General Orders (Chapter E).